Technical data

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This section contains information pertaining to those portions of the system which use magnetic, gyro-
scopic, and inertia forces. Included is the magnetic compass, turn coordinator, attitude indicator, and hori-
zontal situation indicator. (See Figure 34-001)
The magnetic compass, mounted to the fuselage above the windshield, contains a circular compass card,
visible through the compass case window, suspended in alcohol solution. The compass is equipped with
compensating magnets and has two adjusting set screws, one for North-South adjustment and one for
East-West adjustment. These set screws are located behind the access plate on face of the compass.
Light is integral and controlled by the instrument light rheostat on the bolster switch panel.
The turn coordinator, mounted to the left of the HSI, is an electrically driven rate gyro and slip/skid coordi-
nator which provides roll axis information to the pilot.
The attitude indicator, mounted directly in front of the pilot on the LH side of the instrument panel, has an
electrically driven gyro which displays a pictorial horizon and provides the pilot with a visual indication of
the airplanes pitch and roll attitude by sensing pitching and rolling movements about the airplanes lateral
and longitudinal axis.
The horizontal situation indicator (HSI), located directly below the attitude indicator, has an electrically
driven gyro slaved to a flux detector mounted in the right wing and an amplifier mounted under the copilot
floor for continuous compass card correction. The HSI mode switch is mounted directly beneath the HSI to
allow the pilot to select either Slave or Free Gyro mode. The HSI displays a stable indication of the air-
plane heading to the pilot.
30 Nov 2000