Technical data

Page 8 30 Nov 2000
(c) Align airplane with North. Rotate HSI compass card to center slaving meter at 45°. Record
heading deviation.
(d) Align airplane with East. Rotate HSI compass card to center slaving meter at 45°. Read
heading deviation.
(e) Align airplane with South. Rotate HSI compass card to center slaving meter at 45°. Read
heading deviation.
(f) Align airplane with West. Rotate HSI compass card to center slaving meter at 45°. Read
heading deviation.
(g) Find average deviation and direction of average deviation.
(h) Rotate flux detector in opposite direction of the deviation by degrees of average deviation.
(i) Repeat heading checks.
(j) Readjust if necessary.
(k) Compare North & South heading deviations. Deviations that occur on the same side of the
North-South reference line are reduced by adjusting the N-S adjusting screw on the com-
(l) Compare East & West heading deviations. Deviations that occur on the same side of the
East-West reference line are reduced by adjusting the E-W adjusting screw on the com-
(m) Repeat heading checks.
(n) Readjust if necessary.
(o) HSI reading should be within ±2° of magnetic heading.