Technical data

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This section covers that portion of the system which provides guidance during approach, landing, and taxi-
ing. This includes glideslope and marker beacon systems. (See Figure 34-001)
A. Garmin GNS 430 GPS/COM/NAV
The GNS 430 is an IFR certified VHF communications transceiver and Navigation Management Sys-
tem (NMS). The NMS includes GPS sensor, VOR/Localizer and Glideslope receivers. The GNS 430
includes two removable data cards, one with a Jeppesen data base, and second being a custom data
card. GPS signals are received by Garmins low-profile GA 56 antenna. For installation and removal
procedures refer to Position Determining. (Refer to 34-40)
B. Marker Beacon
The marker beacon, integrated into the audio panel located in the avionics console, provides annunci-
ation and audio indications necessary for ILS approach. Refer to 23-50 for audio control panel mainte-
nance practices. The marker beacon antenna is mounted inside the fuselage, under the baggage
compartment floor, right of access panel. Refer to GMA 340 Audio Control Panel Installation and Oper-
ation Manual listed in the front of this manual for additional maintenance information on the marker
beacon system. (Refer to 23-50)
C. Marker Beacon Antenna (See Figure 34-301)
(1) Removal - Marker Beacon Antenna
(a) Remove baggage compartment floor covering. (Refer to 25-10)
(b) Remove access panel CF5 from baggage compartment floor. (Refer to 6-00)
(c) Disconnect coaxial cable connector from marker beacon antenna.
(d) While supporting antenna assembly, remove screws countersunk into baggage compart-
ment floor securing mounting bracket to underside of floor.
(e) Remove antenna assembly from airplane.
(2) Installation - Marker Beacon Antenna
(a) Align antenna bracket mounting holes with baggage floor hardpoint holes and install coun-
tersunk screws.
(b) Connect coaxial cable to antenna connector.
(c) Install access panel CF5. (Refer to 6-00)
(d) Install baggage compartment floor covering. (Refer to 25-10)
30 Nov 2000