Technical data

Page 530 Nov 2000
Note: Do not allow cleaning cloth to contact unprepared areas adjacent to the
bond area. Contaminates could adhere to the cleaning cloth and become
transferred onto the previously prepared area. Never apply solvent directly
onto the part. Wipe surface until no sign of dust, particles or other contami-
nation is visible on the cloth. After wiping, if cloth shows any signs of con-
tamination, replace cloth.
After solvent cleaning, the repair area must be allowed to air dry for a mini-
mum of 15 minutes. Do not cover the area for at least 15 minutes after final
solvent wipe.
(f) Absorb any visible solvent with a clean dry cloth. Allow part to air dry for a minimum of 15
Note: If required, protect the prepared area with a clean plastic sheet until resin is
to be applied. Apply resin within 24 hours of preparing surface. If resin is not
applied within 24 hours, repeat the aforementioned cleaning procedure.
Remove plastic sheet before continuing repair.
(g) Apply a thin coat of mixed resin to the repair area using a clean brush.
CAUTION: Center each ply over the damage. Each ply must have half of the total over-
lap on all sides of the damaged area or over the previous repair ply. The first
ply (smallest) must be 0.5 inch to 1.0 inch larger than the damaged area.
Each following ply must be 0.5 inch to 1.0 inch larger than the previous
repair ply. Place each repair ply in the same direction as the original plies
were positioned. Every other repair ply must have the directional fiber orien-
tation staggered to prevent the repair from warping.
(h) Center the first ply (smallest) over the damaged area. Use the template and 0° reference
line to help align the ply.
(i) Lightly flatten the ply with the brush. Allow time for resin to wick through the ply from
(j) Work air bubbles to the edge of the ply using the brush. Stipple (tap the ply) with the brush
instead of brushing, brushing will pull and distort the ply. If necessary, add resin to saturate
dry areas. When ply is saturated and air bubbles have been removed, coat the ply with a
thin layer of resin.
(k) Lay-up all remaining repair plies (smallest to largest) using the previous steps as guide-
When using peel ply, position the peel ply on the outer ply (largest)
only. Never bond repair plies to peel ply. If plies are bonded on top of
peel ply, the repair will not develop full strength.
(l) If repairing an outer surface, apply a layer of peel ply over entire area of the last (outer)
repair ply.
Note: Peel ply will not stretch when brushed and becomes transparent when wet
with resin. Peel ply can be worked more aggressively than repair plies.
(m) Lightly flatten the peel ply with the brush.
(n) Fully cure repair. (Refer to 51-20)