Technical data

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This section covers the proper procedures for painting the airplane, as well as procedures for preparing the
exterior surface of the airplane for paint. The following procedures are used for application of surfacer,
filler, sealer, and top coat. The following information must be used when painting the airplane.
A. Identification/Markings
Application of Identification/Markings must not cover pitot/static ports, drain
holes or vent holes.
Nationality and registration marks shall be in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations Part 45
Subpart C - Nationality and Registration Marks.
No striping or contrasting paint scheme is allowed on composite wing surfaces, horizontal stabilizer
surfaces, concave portions of the wing root fairings and the horizontal root fillets, or on the fuselage
above the bottom edge of windows.
Striping or contrasting colors are allowed on all fairings without limitation, except for the concave por-
tions of wing root fairings. Wheel pants, landing gear fairings, and rudder tips may have contrasting
colors covering 100% of their exterior surface. Wing tips and elevator tips may have contrasting colors
covering up to 51% of their exterior surfaces. The vertical stabilizer may have contrasting colors. The
metal control surfaces are not subject to paint scheme or color limitations.
Note: Fairings include the engine cowl, dorsal fairing and part of the wing root fairings.
On the fuselage, aft of the baggage compartment bulkhead, in addition to registration markings, total
stripe width shall not exceed 51% of fuselage height per side. If stripe width is measured along the
contour, then fuselage height should also be measured along the contour (from top center to bottom
center). If stripe width is measured by horizontal projection, then fuselage height should also be mea-
sured by horizontal projection (vertical dimension only, overall local height). On the fuselage, forward
of the baggage compartment bulkhead, stripe width shall not exceed 12 inches per side. Stripe width
shall not exceed 6 inches at fuselage stations where doors are located.
B. Surfacer (High Build Primer)
Surfacer is used to fill minor imperfections, pinholes, and waviness of exterior surfaces. Surfacer is
also used to help paint adhere to the airplane. Surfacer can be applied to primed or un-primed com-
posite surfaces which are properly prepared. (Refer to surfacer manufacture for specific instructions)
Aircraft control surface balance is critical to safe flight. If any paint, body filler,
striping, or other material is added to a control surface, the control must be re-
balanced. Mask flight control hinge bushings and bearings prior to applying sur-
facer or paint.
30 Nov 2000