Technical data

Page 2 30 Nov 2000
A. Cabin Doors
(1) Removal - Cabin Door
(a) Remove locking cap from inboard end of gas strut. Remove gas strut from fuselage
mounting bracket.
(b) Remove glareshield trim and lower windshield trim to allow access to the lower door hinge
retaining screw. (Refer to 25-10)
CAUTION: The lower door hinge retaining screw only needs to be loosened to accom-
plish door removal. Removal of the lower door hinge screw is not recom-
mended for door removal. The door must be almost fully closed to allow
easy removal.
(c) Cut the safety wire used to secure the lower door hinge screw to the safety wire tab.
(d) Loosen the lower door hinge screw just enough (approximately five turns counterclock-
wise) to allow lower door hinge to become dislodged from its mount.
(e) Slide door up and off of the upper door hinge pivot pin.
(2) Installation - Cabin Doors
(a) Slide upper door hinge over the upper door hinge pivot pin.
(b) Place the lower door hinge into position and secure the hinge and door by tightening the
lower door hinge retaining screw, washer, and spacer.
(c) Install the glareshield trim and the lower windshield trim.
(d) Snap the gas strut to the fuselage bracket and install the locking cap.