Technical data

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The SR22 fuselage is a semi monocoque structure made primarily of composite materials. The fuselage
structure is comprised of two halves fabricated from fiberglass laminate bonded along a centerline lap-
joint. The vertical stabilizer, door frames, window frames, and recess channel for the forward parachute ris-
ers, are all integral to the fuselage structure.
The cabin area is limited by the forward firewall at FS 100, and the cargo compartment bulkhead at FS
222. A composite roll cage bonded to the fuselage structure provides protection for the cabin occupants.
The forward and aft fuselage floors are constructed of composite sandwich panels with access to under-
floor components. The fuselage skin is composed primarily of fiberglass and foam core with some areas
fabricated of solid laminate (no foam) construction. Cockpit seats are secured to the forward floor through
the use of aluminum T-tracks mounted to the wing spar box. (See Figure 53-001)
30 Nov 2000