Technical data

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The rudder provides airplane directional (yaw) control. It is of conventional design with skin, spar and ribs
manufactured of aluminum. It is attached to the aft vertical stabilizer shear web at three hinge points and to
the fuselage tailcone at the rudder control bell crank.
Rudder motion is transferred from conventional rudder pedals to the rudder by a single cable system under
the cabin floor to the elevator sector pulley in the aft fuselage. A push-pull tube from the sector to the rud-
der bell crank translates cable motion to the rudder. Springs connected to the rudder pedal assembly close
the loop and provide centering force.
A. Rudder
(1) Removal - Rudder (See Figure 55-401)
(a) Remove the cotter pins from the rudder hinge bolts.
(b) Remove the cotter pin from the rudder actuation tube bolt.
(c) Remove the rudder actuation bolt, washers, spacer, and nut.
(d) Remove the locknuts, washers, bolts, and rudder assembly from the vertical stabilizer.
(2) Installation - Rudder (See Figure 55-401)
(a) Place the rudder into position and install a bolt and washer (from the upper side) into each
hinge bracket.
(b) Install a washer and a new castellated self-locking nut onto each hinge bolt.
(c) Torque the center and upper bolts to 15-20 inch-pounds.
(d) Tighten the lower bolt to 25-30 inch-pounds.
(e) Install the rudder actuation bolt, washers, spacer, and castellated nut.
(f) Tighten the rudder actuation bolt to 25-30 inch-pounds.
(g) Secure all bolts with cotter pins.
(h) Operate the rudder and inspect for any abnormal resistance.
(3) Removal - Rudder Bottom (See Figure 55-401)
(a) Remove the screws securing the rudder bottom to the rudder.
(4) Installation - Rudder Bottom (See Figure 55-401)
(a) Place the rudder bottom into position and secure with screws.
30 Nov 2000