Technical data

Page 2 30 Nov 2000
Note: If windshield is being replaced, it will be easier to use a die grinder and a
cut-off disk to cut out the inner portion of the windshield to gain access to
the bonding flange. The windshield should be cut as close as possible to
the fuselage. Use care to prevent damage to the fuselage and instruments.
(i) Cut sealant loose from between fuselage and windshield using a small pocket knife. While
pushing in on the windshield, follow the edge of the fuselage with the tip of the blade, then
back cut in towards the fuselage to clean out the sealant. (See Figure 56-102)
(j) Using a phenolic or hardwood utility knife, isopropyl alcohol and aluminum oxide sandpa-
per (80-grit), remove all remaining sealant from the fuselage bonding flange.
CAUTION: Exercise care to prevent removal of laminate from fuselage when cutting
and removing sealant from between fuselage and windshield. If laminate is
damaged, it must be repaired prior to installing the windshield.