Technical data

Page 8 30 Nov 2000
(n) Remove a small amount (approximately 2-inches wide) of protective coating from around
edge of window.
(o) Install a continuous piece of fine line tape (pinstripe tape) around the edge of the window
(next to the bonding flange). The fine line tape should be adhered to the window with
equal amounts of space between the fine line tape on the door and the fine line tape on
the window.
(p) Working in one direction on the window, place 2-inch masking tape on top of the inner
edge (the edge furthest away from the bonding flange) of the fine line tape.
(q) Using a straight edge, make several alignment marks around the edges of the masking
tape on the door to the masking tape on the window.
Note: These alignment marks will be used to ensure that the window will be
installed into the exact location in which it was during prefit.
(r) Carefully remove window from door.
(s) Using aluminum oxide 80-grit paper, abrade the bonding flange of the window in a random
pattern. Remove all surface gloss.
(t) Remove contaminates from the window bonding flange and the immediate work area
using a vacuum and a clean brush attachment.
CAUTION: Wax or grease pencil markings on any part are not allowed. Any such mark-
ings inadvertently occurring must be removed prior to application of primer.
All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried before application of
Immediately prior to applying any primer on the window bonding flange, sol-
vent clean the flange with isopropyl alcohol. When handling cleaned sur-
faces, wear clean cotton gloves to prevent surface contamination. Surfaces
must be re-cleaned in the event of contamination.
Note: Fold cloth in such a manner to eliminate raw edges to reduce the possibility
of lint. Always clean an area larger than the application area.
(u) Ensure that all surfaces adjacent to the window bonding flange are masked to prevent
them from coming into contact with any primer or sealant.
CAUTION: Do not apply primer to the composite bonding surface.
(v) Using isopropyl alcohol, solvent clean the bonding flange in the door.
(w) Verify all required materials are present and all parts have been prepared and pre-fit.
(x) Wearing clean gloves, lightly dampen a cloth with primer. Fold the cloth in such a manner
to eliminate raw edges to reduce the possibility of lint.
(y) Apply primer to the acrylic bonding flange. Wipe the cloth over the prepared area. Apply
as little primer as possible while still wetting the entire surface.
CAUTION: Keep primed area clean and free from contaminates while primer is drying.
Seal window as soon as practical after primer drying period to minimize
(z) Allow the primer to dry for thirty to sixty minutes.