Technical data

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Wing loads are transferred to the fuselage through four wing-attach points, two which are located under
each front seat and the remaining two on either sidewall just aft of the rear seats. The forward attach points
transfer load into the spar tunnel. The aft attach points transfer load into the fuselage skin and aft floor.
A. Wing Attachments
The wing is not field removable, therefore, removal of the wing attachments is not permissible. The
attachment hardware can be inspected for proper fastener torque by accessing the hardware through
the cabin floor access panels.
(1) Wing Attachment Bolt Torque
(a) Remove forward seats. (Refer to 25-10)
(b) Remove forward cabin floor carpet. (Refer to 25-10)
(c) Remove cabin floor access panels CF1L and CF2L. (Refer to 6-00)
(d) Remove the access panels from the wing root fairing.
(e) Inspect the mounting hardware for proper torque. (Refer to 7-10)
B. Landing Gear Attachments
(1) Removal - Lower Attachment Bracket
(a) Remove upper strut fairing and center strut fairing. (Refer to 32-10)
(b) Raise airplane on jacks. (Refer to 7-10)
(c) Loosen upper strut brake line union fitting. (Refer to 32-10)
CAUTION: When strut clamp is removed, exercise caution to prevent strut assembly
from coming into contact with wing skin.
(d) Remove the nuts and washers securing strut clamp to canted rib. Remove strut clamp.
(e) Gently allow strut assembly to swing downward.
(f) Remove the lower gear attach bracket bolts and washers. Remove lower attach bracket.
(2) Installation - Lower Attachment Bracket
(a) Acquire necessary tools, equipment, and supplies.
Part Number Description Quantity
50013-101 Shell Epon 862 (resin) As Required
50013-301 Heloxy 68 (diluent) As Required
50013-201 Teta 3234 (hardener) As Required
50009-301 Aero-sil 200 fumed silica
As Required
50862-001 Frekote NC700 release
As Required
50614-001 Release tape, Teflon, 1 inch As Required
30 Nov 2000