Technical data

Page 530 Nov 2000
Excessive RPM Drop During Mag-
neto Check
Corrosion on harness lead con-
(Refer to TCM Ignition Systems
Master Service Manual) Cleaning
and inspection procedures.
Magneto Will Not Fire Faulty ignition switch. Inspect ignition switch for possibil-
ity of intermittent grounding and
proper operation. Repair or
replace as necessary.
Faulty condenser. (Refer to TCM Ignition Systems
Master Service Manual) Inspect
for faulty P-lead stud, damaged
pigtail connector, and damaged
Faulty coil. (Refer to TCM Ignition Systems
Master Service Manual) Inspect
for cracks, damage to high tension
strap or pigtail connector, and
integrity of windings.
Point gap setting incorrect. (Refer to TCM Ignition Systems
Master Service Manual) Point gap
Magneto Hot Faulty ignition switch. Inspect ignition switch for possibil-
ity of intermittent grounding and
proper operation. Repair or
replace as necessary.
Broken P-lead wire. Repair as necessary.
Power Loss Incorrect external timing to engine. (Refer to TCM Model IO-550 Over-
haul Manual) Correct as required.
Faulty tachometer. Confirm tachometer accuracy at
RPM where magneto drop noted.
Correct as necessary.
Points Burned Excessively Faulty condenser. (Refer to TCM Ignition Systems
Master Service Manual) Inspect
for faulty P-lead stud, damaged
pigtail connector, and damaged
Incorrect spark plug gap. Regap spark plugs to engine man-
ufacturers specifications.
Fouled spark plugs. Clean spark plugs according to
manufacturers specifications.
Faulty spark plug. Test spark plug in accordance with
manufactures specifications.
Trouble Probable Cause Remedy