
Fu j i t s u PC Corpora ti on has made every eVort to en su re
the acc u racy and com p l eteness of this doc u m en t .
However,as on going devel opm ent eVorts are con ti nu-
a lly improving the capabi l i ties of our produ ct s , we
cannot guara n t ee the acc u racy of the con tents of t h i s
doc u m en t .We disclaim liabi l i ty for errors , om i s s i on s ,
or futu re ch a n ge s .
LifeBook is a trademark of Fujitsu PC Corporation.
The following are registered trademarks of IBM
Corporation:IBM,IBM PC AT, IBM PS/2.
The following are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation:MS,MS-DOS, Windows NT, Microsoft
Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95.
PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association.
Phoenix and the Phoenix logo are registered
trademarks of Phoenix Technologies,Ltd.
Intel Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
All Kensington Corporation products are registered
trademarks of Kensington Microware Limited.
PC-Doctor is a trademark of watergate.software.inc.
SoftPEG™ is a registered trademark of CompuCore
Multimedia Inc.
LapLink is regi s tered tradem a rk of Traveling Sof t w a re In c .
All other produ cts are tradem a r ks or regi s tered
tradem a rks of t h eir re s pective com p a n i e s .
© Copyri ght 1996 Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .All ri gh t s
re s erved .No part of this publ i c a ti on may be cop i ed ,
reprodu ced ,or tra n s l a ted , wi t h o ut pri or wri t ten
con s ent of Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on . No part of t h i s
p u bl i c a ti o n may be stored or tra n s m i t ted in any
el ectronic form wi t h o ut the wri t ten con s ent of
Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .
according to FCC Part 15
Responsible Party Name: Fujitsu PC Corporat
Address: 598 Gibraltar Drive
Milpitas,CA 95035
Telephone: (408) 935-8800
Declares that product: Model:LifeBook 420D
Complies with Part 15
of the FCC Rules.
This devi ce complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC r
Opera ti ons is su bj ect to the fo ll owing two con d i t
(1) This devi ce must not be all owed to cause har
i n terferen ce , (2) This devi ce must accept any inte
en ce received , i n cluding interferen ce that may c
u n de s i red opera ti on .
D avid Woo Fu j i t su 2 / 1 8 / 9 7
full na m e co m pa n y dat e

Summary of content (160 pages)