Operating instructions

Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Index Adjustments 39
2015-01-26 Table of Contents Index 401-652M
Setting Material Rates
Full details on rate setting sprocket selection and
installation are found in the Seed Rate Manual (pub.
number 401-651B). This is a summary. Setting the
seeding rate requires the following steps:
1. monitor setup
2. seed disk selection,
3. drive speed Range sprockets,
4. Transmission sprockets,
5. inlet shutters
6. meter pressurization,
7. checking seeding rate.
All rate adjustments are performed at the left end of the
planter. There are no adjustments at the ground drive
Planting Rate Details
1. Rate: Monitor configuration:
The seed monitor must be set up with the
correct row count,
correct row spacing,
speed calibration and;
expected population limits, in order to have accurately
rate reports and useful alarms.
See the Seed and Fertilizer Rate manual (401-651B) and
the DICKEY-john
Planter Monitor operator (PM)
If you only plant with the factory configuration of the
planter, you never need to update row count and
spacing. If any rows are unused, adjust the monitor
Speed calibration must be done prior to first use, and
re-calibration is recommended periodically, particularly if
soil conditions change.
2. Rate: Disk Selection:
The Seed and Fertilizer Rate manual (401-651B) has a
table of recommended disks. Disks are specific to crops.
Some crops have multiple disks available, to cover both
seed varieties, and different populations within disk rpm
limits. Disks have a high and low rpm limit, which also
corresponds to a high and low field speed limit. The
charts account for these limits.
See “Air-Pro
Meter Disk Installation” on page 57.
If any rows are unused, install special blank disks. See
Row Unit Shut-Off” on page 58.
Figure 27
Monitor Setup Screen
Figure 28
Seed Disks