Operating instructions

70 YP4-6-825A3P Table of Contents Index Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
401-652M Table of Contents Index 2015-01-26
Population Related
Problem Cause Solution
False alarms or actual rate errors
due to monitor setup with
incorrect [active] row count or
When troubleshooting population issues, always first rule out
seed monitor setup. Review planter configuration and monitor
Incorrect cell count Replace seed disks with correct disks, or reset rate for current
disks (if within range).
Improper gap on magnetic speed
Check speed sensor on planter for a gap to toothed wheel of:
inch (0.020-0.040 inch, 0.5-1.0 mm). Improper gap can
cause erratic speed signal causing monitor to falsely report
improper planting rate.
Incorrect speed sensor constant Perform speed calibration per monitor manual.
(Option) Incorrect radar speed
sensor angle.
With planter lowered, check radar speed sensor angle per
Seed run-out. Due to unequal
outlets per box division, and if
planting across slopes, some
rows will run out before others.
Re-distribute seed to favor rows that have run out, and plan to
re-fill shortly.
Reported and
Small seeds (example milo) are
not reliably sensed in the seed
Run with rain covers in place to minimize ambient light
intrusion. Use the population scaling factor in the seed
monitor system to compensate for missed seeds. Remember
to set this back to 100% for large seeds.
Seed tube sensor is not counting
all seeds
Clean the seed tube of graphite and dust buildup with long
narrow seed tube brush. Replace sensors that malfunction.
Incorrect seed pocket size Use correct disk for seed.
Damaged, old or dried-out seed Use new seed.
Unclean seed Use clean seed.
Skips and
Bare Spots
After Turns
Fan was turned off at turns Leave fan running; meter pressurization must be maintained
during turns, or seed will fall out of disk pockets.
Insufficient hydraulic flow to keep
fan running at speed required to
maintain meter pressurization
Check tractor capability against requirements (page 97).
If sufficient:
Fold markers before engaging lift.
Use a less aggressive lift rate.
Monitor meter pressurization during end-of-pass
Seed too
shallow or
scattered on
ground from a
single row
Bottom of seed tube damaged. Replace seed tube. Avoid setting planter straight down. Use
forward motion when lowering.
Row not penetrating in tire tracks. Increase down force on parallel arm springs.
Opener depth too shallow. Change side depth wheel setting.