
Serves 4
45ml (3 tbsp) vegetable oil
150g (5
/2oz) onion, finely chopped
100g (4oz) celery, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed (see tip, page 52)
75g (3oz) bacon, finely chopped
1 bay leaf
400g (14oz) canned, chopped tomatoes
30ml (2 tbsp) tomato purée
450g (1lb) lean minced beef
15ml (1 tbsp) dried mixed herbs (see tip, page 54)
450g (1lb) canned red kidney beans
5 - 15ml (1 - 3 tsp) chilli powder, to taste
300ml (
/2 pint) red wine
300ml (
pint) hot beef stock
salt and pepper to taste
1 Place oil, onion, celery, garlic and bacon into a large
bowl, mix well. Cover and cook on 100% for 7 - 8
2Add the bay leaf, tomatoes, purée and minced beef to
the vegetable mixture. Cook on 100% for 9 - 10
minutes, stir 2 - 3 times during cooking.
3Add herbs, kidney beans, chilli powder, wine and
stock. Season, mix well. Cover and cook on 100%
for 5 minutes, then on 50% for 21 - 22 minutes until
sauce is thick. Stir 2 - 3 times during cooking.
Serves 4
225g (8oz) lean minced beef, pork or lamb
2 cloves garlic, crushed (see tip, page 52)
75g (3oz) onion, chopped
2 fresh, green chillis, chopped
225g (8oz) canned, chopped tomatoes
100g (4oz) canned, red kidney beans
8 taco shells, pre-cooked
175g (6oz) Cheddar cheese, grated
1 Place the mince, garlic and onion in a bowl, mix well.
Cook on 100% for 7 - 8 minutes, stir twice.
2 Stir in chillis, tomatoes and beans. Cook on 100% for
18 minutes. Place taco shells on kitchen paper on
turntable. Heat on 100% for 2 minutes. Fill with chilli
bean mixture, sprinkle with cheese.
3 Pack tacos together, open end up in a large casserole
or flan dish. Place on turntable, cook on DUAL
COOK - 1, 30% for 7 - 8 minutes.
Serve with Guacamole, soured cream and crisp salad.
Sheperds Pie: Make as above, omit the wine. Place in a dish and top with 700g (1
2lb) mashed potato.
Place on turntable and cook on DUAL COOK - 1, 70% for 9 - 10 minutes until evenly
Serves 6
30ml (2 tbsp) cornflour
150ml (
/4 pint) soured cream
45ml (3 tbsp) clear honey
45ml (3 tbsp) wholegrain mustard
150ml (
/4 pint) white wine
900g (2lb) pork, cubed
250g (9oz) fresh apples, chopped
125g (5oz) onion, chopped
1 Mix the cornflour and cream together in a 2.5 litre
(approx. 4 pint) casserole dish.
2 Stir in the honey, mustard, wine and stock thoroughly.
3Add the pork, apples and onion, mixing well.
4 Place the dish on the rack and cook on 50% for 45
minutes, stirring twice during cooking.
R-798M Cookbook 23/06/2004 15:19 Page 45