
Serves 4 - 6
175g stoned dates, chopped
200ml (7fl.oz) boiling water
3.75ml (
/4 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
2.5ml (
tsp) vanilla essence
10ml (2 tsp) instant coffee dissolved in
a little water
75g butter
125g caster sugar
2 eggs (medium), beaten
175g plain flour
1 quantity of Toffee & Walnut Sauce (page 59)
1 Place the dates in a large bowl, add the boiling water,
bicarbonate of soda, vanilla essence and dissolved
coffee, mix well.
2Cream butter and sugar together in a separate bowl
until light and fluffy, beat in the eggs. Fold in the flour
and dates, mix well. The resulting mixture will be
sloppy. Grease and line the base of a 1.2 litre (2 pint)
pudding basin with greaseproof paper, pour in the
pudding mixture.
3 Place on the turntable, cook on 50% for 20 minutes
until a skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool slightly
before turning out on a warmed serving plate.
4Pour the hot sauce over the pudding to serve.
Serves 4
1500ml (2
/2 pints) milk
200g pudding rice
75g caster sugar
50g butter
5ml (1 tsp) ground nutmeg (optional)
1 Place the milk in a 1.5 litre (2
2 pint) casserole dish.
Heat on 100% for 8 minutes. Stir in the rice, sugar
and butter, heat on 100% for 5 minutes.
2 Place on the turntable, cook on 30% for 60 minutes.
Stir 2 - 3 times during cooking. Stir at the end of
3 Sprinkle with ground nutmeg to serve.
Serves 6
125g dried figs, roughly chopped
125g dried apricots, roughly chopped
100g raisins
100g currants
60ml (4 tbsp) brandy
75g plain flour
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) allspice
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) grated nutmeg
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) ground cinnamon
50g fresh breadcrumbs
75g shredded suet
100g soft brown sugar
50g blanched almonds, roughly chopped
grated rind of 1 medium orange
grated rind of 1 medium lemon
1 eating apple, grated
15ml (1 tbsp) black treacle
1 egg (medium), beaten
1Place figs, apricots, raisins, currants, and brandy in a
large bowl, mix well. Leave for 2 hours.
2 Place the flour, spices, breadcrumbs, suet, sugar,
almonds, orange and lemon rind and apple in a bowl,
mix well. Stir into the dried fruit mixture along with
the treacle and beaten egg.
3Grease 1.2 litre (2 pints) pudding basin and line the
base with a circle of kitchen paper. Spoon in the
pudding mixture, smooth the surface and cover with
cling film.
4Cook on 50% for 16 - 17 minutes until firm to the
Serve with brandy sauce, see page 60.
Microwave Tip: Reheating Christmas pudding
Place a 500g (1lb 2oz) pudding in a shallow flan dish.
Cover and heat on 70% for 3 - 4 minutes.
R-798M Cookbook 23/06/2004 15:19 Page 54