Cell Phone User Manual

Menu, In-Use Options 26
Message Settings
Text 65
Create a Draft Message 61
Create and Send 51
Message Boxes 59
Receive 52
Settings 64
Types 51
Formatting 132
Install 8
Remove 9
Call Answer 18
Camera 19
Handsfree 18
Lock 19
Silent 18
Speakerphone 18
Standby 17
Text Input 19
Vibrate 18
M-Ratings 148
Music Memory
Formatting 133
Navigation Key Shortcuts 33
Notes and tips 4
Notes, description 4
Number Entry Dialing 20
Personal Organizer
Alarm Clock 107
Calculator 110
Memo Pad 107
World Time 109
Command Keys 14
Display 15
Display Icons 16
Features 10
Modes 17
View, Open, Front 10
View, Open, Rear 13
View,Closed 12
Phone Info 133
Icon Glossary 134
Phone Number 134
Version 134
Phone Memory
Freeing 130, 131, 133
Usage Info 130, 131, 132
Phone Number 134
Phone Safety 146
Phone Settings
Airplane Mode 123
Language 124
Security 124
Shortcut Key 123
Sending 90
Taking Multi Shot Pictures 75
Taking Snap Shots 74
Picture Messages
Online Viewing 58
Receiving 57
Send in Camera Mode 53
Settings 66