Cell Phone User Manual

asse m b ling and prep aring your mobile phone
Charge the battery
Before using the phone for the first time, you must
charge the battery.
1. O pen the cover to the multifunction jack on the
side of the phone.
2. Plug the sm all end of the travel adapter into the
3. Plug the large end of the tr
avel adapter into a
pow er outlet.
4. W hen the battery is fully charged (the icon is
no longer m oving), unplug the travel adapter from
the pow er outlet.
5. U nplug the adap ter from the phone.
6. C lose the cover to the multifunction jack.
With the triangle facing
the front of your phone
Improperly connecting the adapter can cause
serious dam age to the phone. Any dam ages by
misu se are not covered by the warranty.