Operation Manual

Font Size
By default, the text on your device appears in a “Medium” size font, but you
can change this size:
1 Press JUMP to go to the Jump screen. Press MENU to open the
menu, then select Settings > Font Size.
2 Select the Font Size pop-up menu and choose from Small, Medium, or
3 Press DONE to save your font size setting. It will take a few moments
for the font size to change.
This font size setting does not affect the text size on pages viewed with
the Web Browser.
As long as you are actively using your device, the backlight will stay on.
After you stop using your device, the backlight will stay on for 15 seconds,
but you can change this setting:
1 Press JUMP to go to the Jump screen. Press MENU then select
Settings > Battery & Display.
2 In the Display Backlight group box, open the Dim after pop-up menu
and select a timeout option, up to five minutes. The lower the time, the
more battery power you will conserve.
3 By default, the Use ambient light sensor check box is selected. This
conserves battery power by causing the backlight to automatically
adjust to the surrounding light.
28 Setting Up Your Device