
Getting Started 13
7. Tap the Weeks start on drop-down list button and then select Sunday or
Monday to begin the week.
8. Tap the Date format drop-down list button and then tap the desired format.
The selected format applies to the Date column displayed on the Index screen
of the application, etc.
M/D/Y (example, 12/26/04)
D.M.Y (example, 26.12.04)
Y-M-D (example, 04-12-26)
D/M/Y (example, 26/12/04)
These Date formats and long date formats (for example, December 26,
2004) will not be applied to some applications.
9. Tap “Next” or to save the setting.
The display will turn to the Edit Owner Information screen.
Follow the next step.
Registering your personal information
To skip entering your information now, tap “Next” or . You can enter it later
using the Address Book application.
1. Enter your information on the Edit Owner Information screen and then tap “Next”
or to save it.
Tapping “Back” will return the screen to the previous Set System Time screen.