Cookbook for SMC1585BS

Rectangular Cakes. Use 13x9x2 baking pan and a mix or
your own conventional recipe. Place pan on low rack. Use
Convec Bake selection number 1.
Layer Cakes. Use a mix or your own conventional recipe.
Use high rack and turntable to bake two layers at once. See
chart on page 33.
Angel Food. Do not preheat oven. Bake your recipe or a
mix 25 to 30 minutes on LOW MIX or until crust is golden
brown, firm and looks very dry.
Tube or Bundt Cakes. Do not preheat oven. Bake cakes for
three-fourths of time on recipe or package directions using
LOW MIX. Bake cake on low rack. If arcing occurs with
fluted tube pan, place a heat-and-microwave-safe dish or plate
between pan and low rack.
Loaf Cakes or Quick Breads. Do not preheat oven. Bake
for three-fourths of time on recipe or package directions
using LOW MIX. Test for doneness at minimum time.
If loaf is not done, let stand in oven a few minutes to
complete cooking.
Cake Techniques