SMD2470ASY Operation Manual

MiCrOWave DraWer COOking
beverage Center CHart
1 Beverage Reheat .5 - 2.0 cups This setting for good for restoring cooled beverage to a better drinking temperature. Touch
number 1 pad for a 0.5 cup increase per touch. Stir after heating.
2 Hot Water 1 - 6 cups Use this setting for heating COLD TAP WATER to a temperature somewhat below the boiling
point to make instant coffee or tea. Touch number 2 pad for 1 cup increase per touch. Stir liquid
briskly before and after heating to avoid “eruption.
3 Hot Cereal 1 - 6 servings Use individual packets or bulk cereal in your favorite variety: oatmeal, oat bran, cream of
wheat, farina or wheatena. Follow the package directions for the correct amount of water or
milk. To prevent boil overs, it is very important to choose a large container because microwave
cooking of cereal causes high boiling. If the oven stops, stir and touch START/+30 SEC. After
cooking, stir and let stand, covered, for 2 minutes.
BEVERAGE enables you to reheat coffee or tea to restore
to a more suitable drinking temperature or to make instant
coffee, tea or hot cereal.
Suppose you want to make 2 cups of coffee.
1 Touch BEVERAGE pad once.
2 See Menu Label. Select desired selection by touching
number pad. Ex: Touch 2 to make coffee.
3 Repeating touching same number pad to select quantity.
Ex: Touch 2 two more times for 2 cups of coffee.
4 Touch START/+30 SEC pad.
BEVERAGE can be programmed with More or Less Time
Adjustment. See page 18.
Should you attempt to enter more or less than the allowed
amount, an error message will appear in the display.