Operation Manual

Cooking Guide for fresh vegetables
Cooking Guide for frozen vegetables
Use a suitable glass pyrex bowl with lid. Add 30-45ml cold water(2-3 tbsp.) for every 250g unless another water
quantity is recommended - see table. Cook covered for the minimum time - see table.
Continue cooking to get the result you prefer. Stir once during and once after cooking. Add salt, herbs or butter after
cooking. Cover during a standing time of 3 minutes.
Hint : cut the fresh vegetables into even sized pieces. The smaller they are cut, the quicker they will cook.
All vegetables should be cooked using full microwave power.
Broccoli ½ lb./250g
1 lb./500g
3-5 min
6-8 min
Prepare even sized florets.
Arrange the stems to the centre.
Brussels sprouts ½ lb./250g
3-5 min Add 60-75ml(4-5 tbsp.) water.
Carrots ½ lb./250g 3-5 min Cut carrots into even sized slices.
Cauliflower ½ lb./250g
1 lb./500g
3-5 min
6-8 min
Prepare even sized florets. Cut big florets into halves.
Arrange stems to the centre.
Courgettes ½ lb./250g 3-4 min Cut courgettes into slices. Add 30ml(2tbsp.) water or a
knob of butter. Cook until just tender.
½ lb./250g 3-4 min Cut aubergine into small slices and sprinkle with 1
tablespoon lemon juice.
Leeks ½ lb./250g 3-4 min Cut leeks into thick slices.
Mushrooms 0.3 lb./125g
½ lb./250g
2-3 min
3-4 min
Prepare small whole or sliced mushrooms. Do not add
any water. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Spice with salt and
pepper. Drain before serving.
Onions ½ lb./250g 2-3 min Cut onions into slices or halves. Add only 15ml(1tbsp.)
Pepper ½ lb./250g 2-4 min Cut pepper into small slices.
Potatoes ½ lb./250g
1 lb./500g
4-5 min
6-8 min
Weigh the peeled potatoes and cut them into similar
sized halves or quarters.
Turnip cabbage ½ lb./250g 4-6 min Cut turnip cabbage into small cubes.
Spinach 0.3 lb./125g 2-3 min Add 15ml(1tbsp.) cold water.
Broccoli ½ lb./250g 4-5 min Add 30ml(2 tbsp.) cold water.
Peas ½ lb./250g 4-5 min Add 15ml(1 tbsp.) cold water.
Green beans ½ lb./250g 4-5½ min Add 30ml(2 tbsp.) cold water.
Mixed vegetables
½ lb./250g 4-5 min Add 15ml(1 tbsp.) cold water.
Mixed vegetables
(Chinese style)
½ lb./250g 4-6 min Add 15ml(1 tbsp.) cold water.