Instruction manual

Media Player
Select All Videos or a Playlist
and press b
C To search files, press N x A
Select Search A Press b A Enter
search text A Press b
B When no matching text is found, text
entry window returns. Change text and
try again.
C To sort files, press N x A Select
Sort A Press b A Select a sort option
A Press b
B Sort is available for All Videos files.
Select a file and press b
Playback window opens and playback starts.
^ Playback stops after the last file when Playback Pattern is set
to Normal (see P. 7 -10 ).
C To access linked information, see P. 7- 7 .
For basic operations, see P. 7 -6 "Playback Operations
All Videos
Playback Operations (Video Only)
Change Settings
Press N x A Select Settings A
Press b A P.7 -1 0
Edit See P.7 -1 1
Frame Advance While paused, press A (Long Press)
Toggle Display Size Press 2 or h (see P.7 -1 0)
Video with Linked Information
C After playing video (with N) Internet connection confirmation
To access linked information, choose Yes
^ Confirmation does not appear when Web Link Setting (see
P. 7- 10 ) is Off.
Time Search
C Specify start point while playing or paused.
Press N x A Select Time Search A Press b
A Enter time A Press b
Tip H ^ Video recorded on other devices may appear rotated.
^ Out of Video Playback window, Media Player shuts
down after five minutes of inactivity.