Instruction manual

Scan results appear
Handset automatically registers scan results as a URL, Email
Address, Phone Number or Text; if incorrect, change mode.
^ If text exceeds limit, results appear with overage truncated.
C To change mode, press N x A Select Change Mode
A Press b A Select a type A Press b (Scan results and
alternatives list change accordingly.)
C To edit, press N x A Select Select/Edit A Press b
A Select the character to edit A Select an alternative from
the list or enter the correction directly from Keypad
C To start over, press i A Choose Yes A Press b A
Repeat from Step 1
Press b
^ To use scan results, see P.12-20.
In a text entry window, press N x A Select
Scan A Press b A Select Text Scanner A Press b
A Frame text in the centre of Display A Press b A
Select a line A Press b A Press b
^ To change mode or edit scan results, see Step 4 on the left.
Record elapsed time for up to 24 hours (23 hours 59 minutes
59.9 seconds) in 0.1-second increments. Use lap time
feature to segment elapsed time.
^ Save times (including the last four lap times) to handset Text
^ Stopwatch is disabled when battery is low. Stopwatch ends
when battery runs low.
Press b
Stopwatch starts.
C To record Lap times, press N ,.
B The last four Lap times are recorded. The records are
deleted when Stopwatch is cancelled.
Press b to stop countdown
C To save the records to Text Template, press N x A
Select Save to Templates A Press b
To check saved records, open Text Templates (see
C Press b to resume.
C To clear the records, press N x A Select Reset A
Press b
Scanning More Text
C After Step 5, press N x A Select Continue Part or
Scan More A Press b
^ Continue Part
Select Continue Part to enter additional text. (Mode
remains the same.)
^ Scan More
Select Scan More to enter text after a line break.
Continue Part
Scan More
are disabled once 256 characters
have been scanned.
Scanning during
Text Entry
Scan text during text entry and insert scan
results into current cursor position
Main Menu
H Too ls A Tools 2 (F) A Stopwatch