Instruction manual

Inserting Background Sound
1 Select Insert and press b
2 Select Insert BGM Sound and press b
3 Select Ring SongsĀ·Tones or Music and
press b
4 Select a file and press b
C To record sound, select Insert A Press b A Select
Insert BGM Sound A Press b A Select Record
Voice A Press b A Press b to start recording A
Press b to stop A Select Accept A Press b A
Select To Phone Memory or To Memory Card A
Press b (Omit the next step.)
C To delete inserted sound, select Insert A Press b A
Select Delete BGM Sound A Press b A Choose
Yes A Press b
Inserting Flash# (see P.8-7) File
1 Select Insert and press b
2 Select Insert Flash and press b
Data Folder (Flash#) opens.
3 Select a file and press b
C To preview inserted Flash#, press M ( A
Press N x A Select Preview A Press b
C To delete inserted file, press M ( A Move cursor
before the Flash# file icon A Press i
Inserting Horizontal Lines
1 Select Insert and press b
2 Select Insert Line and press b
C Press i to return.
Flashing Text
1 Select Effect and press b
2 Select Blink and press b
3 Select Blink On and press b
4 Enter text
C To flash entered text, press N % A Select the
start point A Press b A Select the end point A
Press b A Select Effect A Press b A Select Blink
A Press b A Select Blink On A Press b
C To cancel, press N % A Select the start point A
Press b A Select the end point A Press b A
Select Effect A Press b A Select Blink A Press b
A Select Blink Off A Press b
Scrolling Text
1 Select Effect and press b
2 Select Scrolling and press b
3 Select Right to Left or Swing and press b
4 Enter text
C To scroll entered text, press N % A Select the
start point A Press b A Select the end point A
Press b A Select Effect A Press b A Select
Scrolling A Press b A Select Right to Left or
Swing A Press b
C To cancel, press N % A Select the start point A
Press b A Select the end point A Press b A
Select Effect A Press b A Select Scrolling A
Press b A Select Scroll Off A Press b