Instruction manual

Yahoo! Keitai
Press M W.
C To return to the initial page, press N x A Select
Forward A Press b
Press N x A Select Convenient Functions A
Press b A Select Jump to Top or Jump to Bottom
A Press b
Entering highly secure area.
appears, press
^ E appears for secure connections.
^ To disable confirmations, see P.1 5- 2 2 "Secure Prompt".
If requested, enter user ID or password A Press b
A Press M N
Press N x A Select Help A Press b
C Press b to return.
Move pointer (
) with Multi Selector to scroll or select items.
When page content continues beyond view, move pointer to
Display edges to scroll in those directions.
CSelecting Items
Basic Operations
Back Return to the previous page
Jump to
Jump to page top or bottom
Secure Area Open secure page
Authentication Access pages requiring user authentication
Help View a summary of key assignments
Pointer Navigation
Activating/Cancelling Pointer Navigation
C Open a page and follow these steps.
Press N x A Select Settings A Press b A
Select Cursor Settings A Press b A Select
Cursor/Yahoo! Keitai or Cursor/PC Site Browser A
Press b A Choose On or Off A Press b
^ Alternatively, press f for 1+ seconds to activate/cancel
pointer navigation.
Changing Pointer Speed
C Open a page and follow these steps.
Press N x A Select Settings A Press b A
Select Cursor Settings A Press b A Select Speed
Settings A Press b A Select Slow, Normal or Fast
A Press b