Owners Manual

Filling the reservoir with fresh cold tap water is necessary for
all Steam functions in both Automatic and Manual Cooking.
Follow the directions below before cooking.
1 Pull the reservoir toward you to remove.
2 Wash the reservoir and lid for rst time use.
3 Fill the reservoir with fresh cold tap water through the lid
to the 2 mark each time you begin to cook. Do not ll the
reservoir over the 2 mark.
4 Close the lid tightly.
5 Reinstall the reservoir, pushing it rmly into place.
6 After cooking, empty the reservoir and wash the reservoir
and the lid.
1 Do not use distilled water or any other liquid.
2 An insufcient amount of water in the reservoir may cause
an undesired result.
3 We recommend that you empty the reservoir every time
after cooking. Do not leave the reservoir lled with water
in the oven over a day.
4 If any messages, such as Fill water reservoir”, show in the
display during cooking, remove reservoir and rell water.
5 Do not drop or damage the reservoir. Heat may cause the
reservoir to change shape. Do not use a damaged reservoir.
Call a Sharp Authorized Service Centre to purchase a
replacement part.
6 There may be a few water drops when removing the
reservoir. Wipe the oven dry with a soft cloth.
7 Do not block the air holes on the lid of the reservoir. It will
cause trouble during cooking.
8 A small amount of water will drain into the drip tray when
the reservoir is removed. Empty after cooking.
The drip tray must be in the correct position while cooking.
For proper operation, follow the directions below.
The drip tray is packed with the oven. Place the drip tray
under the oven door as shown below. This drip tray collects the
condensation from the oven door.
To remove the drip tray: Pull the drip tray toward you with
both hands. Water should not be dripping before removing the
dr ip tray.
To replace the drip tray: Place the drip tray onto the right
and left hooks under the oven and push rmly as shown below.
If “Replace drip tray” or “Empty drip tray and replace” is shown
in the display, remove and replace the drip tray correctly.
Empty the drip tray after each time you cook. Empty, rinse
thoroughly, dry and replace. Cooking repeatedly without empty-
ing the drip tray may cause it to overow.
1 The oven will become very hot after cooking and draining
water function.
2 Do not open the oven with your face close to the oven.
Steam from the oven may cause burns.
3 Wait until the oven has cooled before emptying the reser-
voir and the drip tray. Then, wipe the oven cavity.
4 Do not touch the water directly as water in the drip tray
may be hot.