User guide

128 Safety Precautions and Conditions of Use
Camera Operation
Learn picture quality, file formats, etc. beforehand.
The taken pictures can be saved in JPEG format.
Be careful not to move your hand while taking pictures.
If the phone moves while taking a picture, the picture can
become blurred. When taking a picture, hold the phone
firmly to prevent it from moving, or use the delay timer.
Clean the lens cover before taking a picture.
Fingerprints, oils, etc. on the lens cover hinder clear
focusing. Wipe them off with a soft cloth before taking a
As with any electronic storage unit, data may be lost or
corrupted under various circumstances.
Before connecting the phone with a PC or a peripheral unit,
read the operation manual for the other unit carefully.
If the phone’s battery has been removed for some time, or
the phone has been reset, the unit’s clock and calendar may
be reinitialised. The date and time should be updated in this
Keep your phone away from extreme heat. Do not leave it on
the dashboard of a car or near a heater. Do not leave it in any
place that is extremely damp or dusty.
Since this product is not waterproof, do not use it or store it
where fluids such as water can splash onto it. Raindrops,
water spray, juice, coffee, steam, perspiration, etc. will also
cause malfunctions.
Precautions Concerning Vehicle Use
It is the user’s responsibility to check the local laws
governing the use of a mobile phone in vehicles. Pay full
attention to driving. Pull off to the side of the road, park the
car, and switch off the engine before making or answering a
Use of your phone’s function may interfere with the vehicle’s
electronic systems, such as the ABS anti-lock brakes or the
air-bag. To ensure no such problem occurs, please check
with your dealer or car manufacturer before connecting your
Only allow qualified service maintenance personnel to install
the vehicle accessories.