User guide

92 Games & Applications
Games & Applications
GSX™ & Java™ Gallery
The list of Java™ applications is displayed.
Downloaded applications are displayed in order starting from
the latest one.
Downloading Applications
“Games & Applications”
“GSX™ & Java™ Gallery”
“Download More”
1. Select the desired application.
Before downloading the application you are asked to
confirm what you are about to receive. After checking the
information on the confirmation screen, the application can
be downloaded.
2. Press B to start downloading.
3. Press B when finished.
User authentication may be required before downloading the
application on some information screens.
Executing Applications
“Games & Applications”
“GSX™ & Java™ Gallery”
1. Select the title of the application you wish to execute.
The selected application is executed. When using network
connection type applications, connection to the network
can be selected.
2. To end the application, press F and select “End”.
Setting as a Screensaver for the Display
“Games & Applications”
“GSX™ & Java™ Gallery”
1. Highlight the file you wish to use as a screensaver.
2. Press [Options] and select “Set as Screensaver”.
(M 1)
(M 1-1)