Operating instructions

Extron System 8/10 PLUS Users Manual
Multiple Switcher Operation
Daisy Chain Configuration
Daisy Chain Example
The illustration below shows how System 8/10 PLUS units would be connected in
a Daisy Chain configuration. If System 10 PLUS units were used, the only
difference would be the input channel numbers.
_____ Important audio information! If audio connections are made balanced, there will
be +6 dB of gain. This gain must be offset with a pad, otherwise the maximum
input audio level could be exceeded on the audio input. This would result in
distortion. However, if audio connections are made unbalanced, there is no gain.
The audio attenuator(s)
on the last input of the
switcher(s) should be set
to 0 dB cut by turning
the attenuator clockwise
until it stops. This setting
will prevent the looped
input from affecting any
gain acquired from
preceding channels.