Operating instructions

Extron System 8/10 PLUS Users Manual
RS-232 Programming GuideTerms
Related Terms
The following terms may be helpful in understanding information in the tables
and examples that follow.
A delimiter character may specify audio and not video, the switcher and not the
projector, etc. For commands that have more than one character, the delimiter is
always the last character for that command string.
Carriage Return/Line Feed:
On most keyboards, pressing enter creates a carriage return (cr) and line feed
(lf). The screen cursor moves down one line and to the left margin. This is not
required for a command, but each response (as seen on a terminal display) will
be followed by a cr/lf (shown as
Discrete Command:
A discrete command can do only one thing. For example, if projector power is
already On, sending a discrete power on command does nothing.
Display, or Display Device:
Display, refers to the video output device (projector, monitor, etc.)
Any device capable of talking to the switcher through an RS-232 port.
Switcher refers to the System 8/10 PLUS or any slave inputs from other sources.
Any device that includes a keyboard and a display. This could be a dumb
terminal, a smart terminal, a PC operating in terminal mode, etc.
A toggle command can do either of two things. It changes the state of the
function, i.e. if the function was Off, the command turns it On; if the function was
On, the command turns it Off. A toggle command character may be upper or
lower case.
In the examples that follow, the number zero is shown as
to distinguish it from
the letter “O”.
Selecting Inputs Using Delimiters
When selecting inputs to the projector and/or the System 8/10 PLUS, audio and
video can be switched together (follow) or separately (breakaway). An input is
selected by its decimal number followed by a delimiter character. The delimiter
ends the command and also determines which inputs are affected. The
delimiters are used as follows:
! - Audio and video (Aud/Vid) for the switcher (Sw) and video for the projector
@ - Audio and video (Aud & Vid) for switcher only (Sw)
$ - Audio only (Aud) for the switcher (Sw)
& - Video only (Vid) for both projector and switcher (Dsp/Sw)
5! will select both audio and video from input channel #5.
132$ will select audio (only) from input channel #132. This is breakaway”.
10& will select video (only) from input channel #10. This is breakaway”.