Operation Manual

Media Key Programming
Use the following procedure to select any option included in the media group:
In the SETTING window, select “4 MEDIA.”
The MEDIA window will appear.
Select any option from the following options list:
1 CASH: Cash key
2 CHECK: Check key
3 CREDIT: Credit key
4 HOTEL TRANSFER: Hotel transfer key
5 CID: Cash in drawer
6 CH/CG: Check change
7 CA/CHK: Check cashing
The following illustration shows those options included in the media key programming group.
4 MEDIA 1 CASH See “ Cash key” on page 165.
2 CHECK See “ Check key” on page 166.
3 CREDIT See “ Credit key” on page 167.
4 HOTEL TRANSFER See “ Hotel transfer key” on page 168.
5 CID See “ Cash in drawer” on page 169.
6 CH/CG See “ Check change” on page 169.
7 CA/CHK See “ Check cashing” on page 170.
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