Operation Manual

Device Configuration Programming
Use the following procedure to select a device configuration programming:
In the SETTING window, select “14 DEVICE CONFIG.”
The DEVICE CONFIG window will appear.
Select any option from the following options list:
01 JOURNAL PRINTER: Journal printer
02 RECEIPT PRINTER: Receipt printer
03 SLIP PRINTER: Slip printer
04 REPORT PRINTER: Report printer
05 KP#1: Remote printer #1
06 KP#2: Remote printer #2
07 KP#3: Remote printer #3
08 KP#4: Remote printer #4
09 KP#5: Remote printer #5
10 KP#6: Remote printer #6
11 KP#7: Remote printer #7
12 KP#8: Remote printer #8
13 KP#9: Remote printer #9
14 SCALE: Scale
15 DRINK DISPENSER: Drink dispenser
16 ONLINE: On-line
The following illustration shows those options included in the device configuration programming group.
14 DEVICE CONFIG 01 JOURNAL PRINTER See “ Journal printer” on page 205
02 RECEIPT PRINTER See “ Receipt printer” on page 205.
03 SLIP PRINTER See “ Slip printer” on page 206.
04 REPORT PRINTER See “ Report printer” on page 207.
05 KP#1
06 KP#2
07 KP#3
08 KP#4
09 KP#5 See “ Remote printer” on page 207.
10 KP#6
11 KP#7
12 KP#8
13 KP#9
14 SCALE See “ Scale/Drink dispenser/On-line” on page 208.
15 DRINK DISPENSER See “ Scale/Drink dispenser/On-line” on page 208.
16 ONLINE See “ Scale/Drink dispenser/On-line” on page 208.
The screen continues.
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