Operation Manual

Report title
Non-turnover 3 counter and total
Subtotal % counter and total
Tax total
Net sales total
Taxable 1 total
VAT 1 total
Net sales total without VAT
VAT shift total
Tax delete total
Service charge total
Subtotal () counter and total
Item % counter and total
Item () counter and total
Coupon-like PLU counter and total
Refund counter and total
REG-mode item void counter and total
Void-mode transaction counter and total
Manager item void counter and total
Subtotal void counter and total
Waste mode transaction
Return counter and total
Hash item void counter and total
Hash item refund counter and total
Hash item return counter and total
Non-turnover item void counter and total
Non-turnover item refund counter and total
Non-turnover item return counter and total