Operation Manual

Personnel Programming
Use the following procedure to select any option included in the personnel group:
In the SETTING window, select “7 PERSONNEL.”
The PERSONNEL window will appear.
Select any option from the following options list:
1 CLERK: Clerk
2 MANAGER: Manager
3 EMPLOYEE: Employee
4 JOB LOCATE TBL: Job location table
5 CONTACTLESS KEY: Contactless key
6 CLERK KEY DEL.: Prohibition of the contactless key
The following illustration shows those options included in the personnel programming group.
7 PERSONNEL 1 CLERK See Clerk” on page 179.
2 MANAGER See Manager” on page 181.
3 EMPLOYEE See Employee” on page 182.
4 JOB LOCATE TBL See Job location table” on page 183.
5 CONTACTLESS KEY See Contactless key” on page 184.
6 CLERK KEY DEL. See Prohibition of the contactless key” on page 185.