Operation Manual

“Delivery Rep. Allow”:
Enables or disables Delivery Rep. Allow when receiving a message, which applies to
the Delivery Report function.
“Auto Delete” (“None”, “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Both”):
Deletes the oldest message automatically, when the Inbox, Sent or both (Inbox and
Sent) is full.
“Edit Signature”:
Opens the screen to enter the signature.
“Reply History” (“Yes”, “No”):
Disables or enables whether the message will be added to your reply message or not.
SMS Settings
“SMS Settings”
1. Select the item you wish to set up.
“Message Centre”:
Enter the centre phone number.
If you wish to enter a country code for a message to an international number, press
and hold Q until a + sign is displayed.
•“Reply Path:
Accepts or rejects the same reply path with the send path when receiving the reply
message for your message.