Operation Manual

My Items
Sending a Video Clip File
“My Items”
1. Highlight the file you wish to send.
2. Press [Options] and select “Send”.
3. Select the desired option.
For details on creating a message, see “Creating a New Message” on page 87.
Video clips protected with a copyright cannot be sent attached to a message, with the
exception of Separate Delivery files.
To Record a Video
You can record a video also from My Items.
The following procedure applies when the entries other than “Get new” are highlighted.
“My Items”
“Record Video”
The video camera application launches. To record a video, see “Recording Video Clips” on
page 80.
Operating the Files
You can copy, move, sort, rename, and delete the saved video clips.
“My Items”
1. Highlight the desired file.