Operation Manual

My Items
2. Press [Options] and select “Advanced”.
Select the desired option according to your purpose.
“Move”: Moves the files to another folder. Select the desired folder to
“Copy”: Copies the file. Select the desired folder to copy.
“Create Folder”: Creates a new folder.
Using Multiple Select
You can select more than one file for moving, copying and deleting.
The following procedure applies when the entries other than “Get new” are highlighted.
“My Items”
“Multiple Select”
1. Select the desired file names.
2. Press [Options] and select the desired menu.
If you select “Delete”, a confirmation message is displayed.
To remove the check, select the file again or select “Unselect” in step 2.
If you wish to select all files, select “Select All” in step 2. To unselect all, select “Unselect
All”. Then press [Options] to select the desired menu.