Operation Manual

34 Contacts List
Contacts List
You can store the phone numbers and Email addresses of your
friends, family and colleagues in the Contacts List.
Your phone can store up to 500 entries. In a Contacts List, you can
save the following items:
Items Saved in the Handset Memory
Items Saved in the SIM Memory (depending on the SIM card)
Changing the Name Order
“Name Order”
1. Select “First-Last Name” or “Last-First Name”.
Changing the List Displayed
“Contacts Location”
1. Select “Handset” or “SIM”.
Selecting the Storage Memory
“Save New Contact to”
1. Select “Handset”, “SIM” or “Choose before Saving”.
“Choose before Saving” prompts you to choose the memory every
time you save a new entry.
First Name up to 16 characters
Last Name up to 16 characters
Telephone Number up to 3 phone numbers (up to 32 digits
Email Address up to 3 Email addresses (up to 128
characters each)
Category 16 categories
Street & Number up to 64 characters
City up to 64 characters
State/Province up to 64 characters
Postal Code up to 20 characters
Country up to 32 characters
Note up to 256 characters
Birthday (date)
Picture (file name)
Assign Tone/Video (file name)
Secret (On or Off)
(M 8-1)
Name up to 16 characters
Telephone Number up to 2 phone numbers (up to 32 digits
Email Address up to 128 characters (or no Email address)
Category up to 16 categories
(M 8-8-1)
(M 8-8-2)
(M 8-8-3)