User`s manual

Appendix E Abbreviations
Appendix E Abbreviations
For the purpose of this recommendation, the following abbreviations are used in G.783:
Abbreviation Description
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown
APS Automatic Protection Switching
AU Administrative Unit
AUG Administrative Unit Group
BER Bit Error Ratio
BIP Bit Interleaved Parity
CM Connection Matrix
CMISE Common Management Information Service Element
DCC Data Communications Channel
EOW Engineering Order-Wire
ES Error Second
FEBE Far End Block Error
FERF Far End Receive Failure
HCS Higher order Connection Supervision
HOA Higher Order Assembler
HOI Higher Order Interface
HP Higher order Path
HPA Higher order Path Adaptation
HPC Higher order Path Connection
HPOM Higher order Path Overhead Monitor
HPT Higher order Path Termination
HUG Higher order path Unequipped Generator
LCS Lower order Connection Supervision
LOF Loss Of Frame
LOI Lower Order Interface
LOM Loss Of Multi-frames
LOP Loss Of Pointer
LOS Loss Of Signal