User`s manual

Appendix F Glossary
intelligent ways.
Dynamic route
Also known as adaptive routing, this technique automatically adapts
to traffic or physical network revisions.
A very common method of networking computers in a LAN. There
are a number of adaptations to the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard,
including adaptations with data rates of 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps over
coaxial cable, twisted-pair cable and fiber-optical cable.
File transfer protocol: The TCP/IP protocol used for transmitting files
between network nodes, it supports a broad range of file types and is
defined in RFC 959.
A gateway is a computer system or other device that acts as a
translator between two systems that do not use the same
communication protocols, data formatting structures, languages
and/or architecture.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The most common protocol used on
the Internet HTTP is the primary protocol used for web sites and web
browsers. It is also prone to certain kinds of attack.
Internet Group Management Protocol: Employed by IP hosts, the
protocol that reports their multicast group membership to an
adjacent multicast router.
Internet Protocol. The IP (currently IP version 4), is the underlying
protocol for routing packets on the Internet and other TCP/IP-based
IP Pool
Internet Protocol Pool refers to the collective group of IP address
locates in any particular place.
Internet Service Provider connections into the Internet for home
users and businesses. There are local, regional, national, and global
ISPs. You can think of local ISPs as the gatekeepers into Internet.
Jack Type
Different type of jacks (RJ-11, RJ-45 or RJ-48) can be used for an
ISDN line. The RJ-11 is the most common in the world and is most
often used for analog phones, modems and fax machines. RJ-48
and RJ-45 are essentially the same, as they both have the same
8-pin configuration. An RJ-11 jack can fit into an RJ-45 / RJ-48
connector, however, an RJ-45/RJ-48 cannot fit into an RJ-11
Local Area Network is a shared communication system to which
many computers are attached. A LAN, as its mane implies, is limited