User`s manual

Appendix F Glossary
to a local area. This has to do more with the electrical characteristics
of the medium than the fact that many early LANs.
Light Emitting Diode. LED are visual indicators that relay information
about the status of specific Scorpio 1401 / 02 functions to user by
lighting up, turning off or blinking. LED-slugs are usually found on
the front panel of the physical device. Examples include Status,
Power and System LEDS.
LLC encapsulation allows multiplexing of multiple protocols over a
single ATM virtual circuit. By prefixing the PDU (Payload Data Unit)
with an IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) header, each protocol
can be identified.
Loop reach defines speed that can be attained at various distances.
This is very important for DSL technology as distance from the CO
influences attainable speeds.
On a local area network (LAN) or other network, the Media Access
Control (MAC) address is your computers unique hardware number.
(On an Ethernet LAN, it is the mane as your Ethernet address). The
MAC layer frames data for transmitted as a stream of bits.
Modulator-demodulator: A device that converts digital signal to
analog and vice-versa so that digital information can be transmitted
over analog communication facilities, such as voice-grade telephone
Name Resolution The allocation of an IP address to a host name. See DNS.
Network Address Translation is the translation of an Internet
Protocol address used within one network to a different IP address
known within another network. NAPT extends the notion of
translation one step further by also translating transport identifier
(e.g., TCP and UDP port numbers, ICMP query identifiers). This
allows the transport identifiers of a number of private hosts to be
multiplexed into the transport identifiers of a single external address.
NAPT allows a set of hosts to share a single external address.
Any time you connect 2 or more computers together so that they can
share resources, you have a computer network. Connect 2 or more
networks together and you have an internet.
Node Any single computer connected to a network.
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is a security protocol that
requires users to enter password before accessing a security