User`s manual

Chapter 3 Configuration
3.7.11 Protection
This web page allows user to set Protection function.
Figure 3-26 Protection
Table 3-12 Description of Protection function
Pull down menu Description
MSP 1+1 Control the use of MSP 1+1 protection switching on the link
to the SDH network
Revertive Mode As the Optical 1 being unplugged or disconnected, the
system will automatically switch to Optical 2 for backup.
If this function Enable, as soon as the Optical 1 is back in
service for over the “Wait To Restore Times”, the system will
switch the traffic back to Optical 1 from Optical 2.
Wait To Restore
When protection switching is enabled and a link interface
becomes active, specify the duration of time during which all
the alarms reported by the framer will be ignored.
Switch Command There are four command can be used to test the
connectionClear, Lockout of Protection, Force Switch, and
Manual Switch.
3.7.12 Synchronization
This web page allows user to set the parameters of clock.
Figure 3-27 Synchronization