
sharpVISION™ Camera
sharpVISION SDK Reference
8.3. Appendix C – Camera Settings
The following table shows the values and a brief description of the parameters that can be
read and written in the camera. The numeric values of the parameters can be found in the
SharpAPI.h header file in the Include subdirectory.
Parameter Description
SVP_GAIN Camera gain (gain on CCD output)
SVP_OFFSET Camera offset (offset in CCD ADC
SVP_EXPOSURE Camera exposure in microseconds
SVP_BINNING Binning (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4)
SVP_READOUT Read out frequency (20 MHz, 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 2.5 MHz)
SVP_TRIGGERTYPE Trigger type (free-run, hardware and software trigger)
SVP_COOLERACTIVE 1 turns the cooler on, 0 turns it off
SVP_IMGFORMAT Image format (see SV_IMG_FMT in SharpAPI.h)
SVP_ROIX Upper left x coordinate of ROI
SVP_ROIY Upper left y coordinate of ROI
SVP_ROIWIDTH Width of ROI, in pixels
SVP_ROIHEIGHT Height of ROI, in pixels
SVP_DBL_EXP Set to 1 for double exposure mode