
sharpVISION™ Camera
sharpVISION SDK Reference
2.8. Binning
Binning is the process of combining adjacent pixels of the sensor during readout. The two
primary benefits of binning are improved signal to noise ratio (SNR) and the ability to increase
frame rate, albeit at the expense of reduced spatial resolution.
The maximum image size for each binning is not an even division of the 1x1 maximum image
size. When you switch from a value of binning to another and update the configuration to the
camera, your binning values will be adjusted to fit the new binning mode. When binning, ROI
is specified in “super-pixels”.
A common mistake occurs when switching from higher binning, such as 4x4, to lower binning,
such as 1x1. If the caller forgets to adjust the region, they will end up with the old 4x4 size.
When switching binning modes, you might want to select the largest possible region as
unsigned long nMaxWidth,nMaxHeight;
// Get the current maximum image size
SvGetCameraInfo( hCamera, SVI_CCD_WIDTH, &nMaxWidth );
SvGetCameraInfo( hCamera, SVI_CCD_HEIGHT, &nMaxHeight );
// Reset ROI to the new maximum values
SvSetParameter( &svCfg, SVP_ROIX, 0 );
SvSetParameter( &svCfg, SVP_ROIY, 0 );
SvSetParameter( &svCfg, SVP_ROIWIDTH, maxWidth );
SvSetParameter( &svCfg, SVP_ROIHEIGHT, maxHeight );