
sharpVISION™ Camera
4.2. Camera Control Functions
4.2.1. Overview: Camera Control functions
Camera Control functions allows the user to control the status of the camera toolbar buttons.
CmdShowCameraToolbar toggles the camera toolbar.
CmdShowCameraControl shows and hides the camera settings dialog bar.
CmdShowRecordDialogBox is no more supported (deprecated)
CmdShowSaveSequenceDialogBox displays the save acquisition dialog box.
CmdRecord starts acquiring.
CmdPlay set the camera in play mode or it stops the camera if already in play mode (toggle).
CmdStop stops the camera, if in play mode. If in idle mode, it snaps a single frame or two
frames if the camera mode is double exposure.
CmdRewind displays the sequence of the acquired frames in reverse order.
CmdFastForward displays the sequence of the acquired frames.
CmdShowPreviousFrame displays the previous image frame from the list of the acquired
CmdShowNextFrame displays the next image frame from the list of the acquired frames.
GetImageDataPointer gets the pointer to the acquired image buffer.
GetImageFramesNumber gets the number of acquired frames.
GetImageFrameWidth gets the width of the image frame.
GetImageFrameHeight gets the height of the image frame.