Technical information

Easy-Setup 44
hard-disk password
changing 116
power-on password, using
with 122
removing 117
setting 115
using 114
wrong, entering 114
personalization utility, using with 125
power-on password
changing 112
hard-disk password, using
with 122
removing 113
setting 111
using 110
wrong, entering 110
supervisor password
changing 120
hard-disk password, using
with 122
removing 121
setting 119
several hard disk drives,
using 123
using 118
wrong, entering 118
PC Card
advanced use of 231
device driver, installing 183
Director 62
eject button 13
example of CONFIG.SYS file 236
indicator, active 16
installing 134
releasing its memory area 240
removing 136
securing 132
slot 13
software considerations
DOS 235
necessary software 183
OS/2 234
under suspend and hibernation
mode 61
Windows 242
software EMS, specifying 235
suspend mode, using with 55
updating CONFIG.SYS file 238
using 61
PC Card Director
PC Card Director
installing, for DOS 186
installing, for OS/2 185
installing, for Windows 187
using 62
PC Card
PCMCIA device driver
installing, for DOS 186
installing, for OS/2 185
installing, for Windows 187
PCMCIA Features Diskette 3
PCMCIA slot 5
location and function 13
personalization utility 125
pointing device 159
power cord 3
power cords 252
power jack
location 15
power management function
using 50
power mode
automatic 50
customized 50
high performance 50
switching, using Fn key 49
power shutdown switch
location and function 15
power switch
location and function 15
power-on indicator 17
power-on password
changing 112
hard-disk password, using with 122
prompt 34
removing 113
setting 111
using 110
wrong power-on password,
entering 110
preserving battery-pack life 103
attaching 164
battery pack 211
common 200
diskette drive 213
error codes 208
external display 28, 218
external numeric keypad 216
general 210
infrared communication 214
Index 277