Technical information

Using the ThinkPad Features Program
Using the PS2 Program
To use the PS2 program in OS/2,
you need to install the program
using the same procedure as when
installing for DOS. See page 181.
To start the PS2 program, type PS2 or PS2 ? at the command
prompt; the press Enter. The following help screen appears:
C:\> PS2 ?
(C)Copyright IBM Corp. 1993,1995. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication
or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Command Syntax: PS2 [Parameter1] [Parameter2] [Parameter3]
Following are available [Parameter1].
For the complete command syntax, type 'PS2 ? [Parameter1]'.
1.Power Management related
PMode, SErial, DDC, CARD, DSP,
IR, POwer, LCd, DISK,
SPeed, STandby, DISCHARGE, DEFAULT, Cover,
The screen might be different from
the actual one.
You can select an item from the menu and follow the instructions on
the screen to set any of the features.
Using the Batch File
You also can specify features by entering appropriate commands, or
you can create a batch file and set your unique operational
environment with the commands.
Refer to the manuals supplied with
the operating system for more
information on batch files.
The following sample batch file would provide an operational
environment suitable for traveling, and could result in a
longer-battery operation time.
@Echo Off
Rem SAMPLE: Set the parameters to provide maximum power utilization.
Rem ================================================================
PS2 PMode Custom > Nul
PS2 LCd 3 minutes > Nul
PS2 DISK 3 minutes > Nul
PS2 POwer 5 minutes > Nul
PS2 SPeed Fixed MIN > Nul
PS2 IR OFf > Nul
PS2 CARD OFf > Nul
PS2 DDC OFf > Nul
Chapter 3. Operating Your Computer 41